This morning I wake up, looking back for the past 4 days..
as my birthday coming up in 27th I have so much worries that something might go wrong, but what I got is so much better thatn expected.
My longest friend of mine, coming all the way to visit and stayed during my birthday. My old collague of mine that become little sister coming 1 day before to celabrate at my place. On the day of my birthday, all my closest friend that I consider family come to have lunch and dinner. In the next day, I got a lot of warm wished from everyone that bump in my life, and even 2 days after i have another family coming to have dinner at her house.
This was unexpected since I do not publish my birthday as much, but then i realise that everyone that seems like did not even know my birthday is congratulate me, and its because of my partner been making a gift that I would appreciate in life.
I felt so much love, warmth, and belongness to something bigger.
To all the effort and time everyone spend to write me a warm wishes, i am thankful for you.